AY2024 – Proposal Deadline: Thursday, August 15, 2024 (5 pm)
The School of Engineering and Applied Science is pleased to announce the 2024 Call for NextG Innovation Proposals aimed at supporting high-risk/high-reward research at an early stage that may not be mature for competitive grants. This endeavor is made possible through the generosity of Princeton’s NextG Corporate Affiliates Members, to enable pioneering and cutting-edge research across diverse areas related to next-generation wireless communications, sensing, and networking.
Research areas of interest
We are interested in proposals broadly related to NextG systems, including but not limited to the following areas below.

Cloud, IoT, and Edge Networks
The research is cross-stack ranging from distributed storage systems and content caching to network architectures, network telemetry, and congestion control.

Communication and Networking Foundations
ML/AI and wireless communications are two of the most rapidly advancing technologies of our time, and in recent years these two fields have begun to merge.

Intelligent Sensing and Computing
Intelligent sensing and computing at Princeton focuses on co-design, across: AI models for machine perception, planning, and action; full-stack distributed computing technologies for accelerating sensor fusion and processing; and novel sensors for preserving structure and providing access across modalities prevalent in the real world.

Integrated Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Systems
The research in this broad space spans across all aspects of intelligent communication ranging from new architectures in wireless communication including security, joint sensing and communication across RF-to-THz, scalable arrays and smart surfaces, to real-time machine learning and signal processing with integrated photonics, and analog neural networks on-chip.

Security, Privacy, and Resilience
As our society transitions towards an information-driven paradigm, concerns about security and privacy of computing and communication have come to the forefront. Princeton researchers study foundational principles and mechanisms that enable security and privacy in computing and communications.
Funding (Single PI and Collaborative)
An individual faculty member may request up to $35,000 for one year, while two or more faculty members can request up to $70,000 for one year. Expenditures may include undergraduate student stipend, graduate student stipend and tuition, postdoctoral researchers’ salary and benefits, and equipment. Faculty summer salary is not allowed.
- Tenured and tenure-track faculty members in SEAS are invited to submit proposals, limited to one proposal per faculty member
- Collaborative proposals are highly encouraged
- We encourage collaborations encompassing all areas of NextG
Guidelines for submission
- The proposal should be a brief, single-page proposal with the following sections: core innovation claim, project description, and a brief justification of compatibility of the submission with the proposal call
- Submit the proposal along with the CV(s) of the PI(s) as a single PDF document to nextg@princeton.edu before the proposal deadline
- Including budget justification is not required
- We anticipate funding multiple proposals, with the decisions being made by mid-October

The proposal submission deadline is Thursday, August 15th, 2024 at 5:00 PM. An email confirming receipt will be sent by August 16th.
For submissions or questions, please contact nextg@princeton.edu.