Security, Privacy and Resilience
As our society transitions towards an information-driven paradigm, concerns about security and privacy of computing and communication have come to the forefront. Princeton researchers study foundational principles and mechanisms that enable security and privacy in computing and communications. In addition, we study the interdisciplinary dimension of security and privacy by exploring its intersections with machine learning and computer networks.

Maria Apostolaki
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yasaman Ghasempour
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Niraj Jha
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amit Levy
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Prateek Mittal
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
H. Vincent Poor
Michael Henry Strater University Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jen Rexford
Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor in Engineering, Chair and Professor of Computer Science
Kaushik Sengupta
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering